| DLMM Farms
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DLMM Farms are a very efficient and target way to incentive liquidity where its most needed. Metropolis is using reward hooks within a JoeV2.2 Liquidity Book Pool to incentivice specific bins with $METRO or partner tokens. Liquidity Provider receive those DLMM farm rewards for providing liquidity within these incentivised bins.
On DLMM pools with an active DLMM farm, all relevant information about the incentivised bins is shown under "Rewarded Bins" in the upper left of the "Distribution" pool page. The rewarded bins are also highlighted in grey around the active price bin (usually current price bin +/- one bin). As soon as you provide liquidity in these incentivised bins, you earn the rewards automatically.
You can claim all your accumulated farm rewards anytime from the "Rewards" section on the pool page. You can also claim them directly from the farm page or your dashboard. The "Pool Rewards" section on the left provides all details about the DLMM farm rewards and the specific incentivized bins for this pool.